absolutely f---ing Hello, I just wanted to send a small notes of thanks for an
absolutely wonderful experience in getting all my orders out before
the holidays. Not only was the service quick and professional but
these canvas prints are absolutely f---ing (pardon my French)
outstanding. I will definitely be ordering again in January.
Once again thank you very much. Happy Holidays!
Jason, Oakville | Nice picture frames The frames you built for me look great. There was one issue with one corner missing 3 of 4 screws. As you included extra screws I was able to fix that. I appreciated that the order included all the hardware needed to complete the mounting. The paintings look great.
Jaafer, | I just wanted to let you know the replacement print arrived and it is perfect, thank you very much.
I have a large order of the same format I will be placing soon and am so glad to be ordering from your shop.
Tanya, | Quality plaque mount I just wanted to say thank you for the picture you mounted on a very large board for me. It looks amazing !
I will definitely consider your services in the future and will recommend to my peers.
All the best,
Joy, Calgary |